Accessibility on Bancredit Website.

The information on the Bancredit website is accessible to everyone, including people who suffer from all sorts of disabilities. The Bancredit website has been programmed using cutting-edge techniques and international accessibility directives, removing the limits on browsing for all sorts of users.

The key features include notably.

  • Navigation by way of the keyboard.
  • Interpretation of graphic resources: makes it possible to understand all the details on pages, including images, tables and other HTML elements.
  • Clarification of the destination of links or hyperlinks.

Keyboard navigation.

The accessibility project of Bancredit's website allows all types of user to access any part of the web portal just by using the keyboard of the computer.

Descriptions of graphic resources.

All images, banners, and even tables published on the Bancredit website include a description that makes it possible to understand the information contained in these graphic resources. Thus, is possible to know what image accompanies what content, what products or ideas the different banners promote and what details are provided in any table.

Tecnology applied.

  • Compliance with standards WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), in its intermediate level (AA).
  • The presentation is based on the Recommendation of the W3C on Style sheets in Cascade, Level 2 (CSS 2.1).
  • The recommended standard has been employed when using HTML code, verifying the recommendations for HTML 4.01 Transitional.

access this website.

Bancredit is committed to making our website accessible for everyone. To access, you will require one of the following browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera Web Browser.

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