Requirements for sponsorship.
Mandatory Requirements.
The following information is designed to help potential partners understand and tailor their proposal to BanCredit Group's requirements. In order to be considered, sponsorship applicants must
include the following details:
- A list of the key values of your organisation.
- How you plan to advertise and promote your event/program.
- Your target market/audience.
- Confirmation that we will be the only financial services company associated with your organisation/event/program.
- A full list of your current or previous supporters (if any).
- Your contact details.
General Criteria.
The following questions are indicative of those BanCredit Group considers when evaluating sponsorship proposals:
- Is there a full list of sponsorship benefits?
- What are the dates and location of the sponsorship?
- Can our employees be involved, and if so how?
- Is the activity one-off or annual?
- Is there any current or potential business the organisation does or can do with us?
- Is there any hospitality, entertainment or general involvement for our customers?
- Which media partners have been confirmed and what will be the media exposure?
- Does the organisation/event complement our existing sponsor partnerships?
- Will there be national exposure for the activity?
- What is the reach of the sponsorship - how many people see, attend or are involved?
- What is the maximum number of sponsors who could be involved and what are the levels/hierarchy?
- Has any research been undertaken to help define the target market and/or the acceptance of sponsors?
- Can we leverage the partnership across other companies within the National Group?
- What is the proposed cost of the proposal and any payment schedule?
- What will the funds provided by Bancredit Group predominantly be used for?
- How will the sponsorship be measured and reported to us?
- How long has the organisation been in operation, what is its history and long-term goals?
- How will the organisation manage the partnership? Will there be an account manager?
Submission Process.
If you feel your proposal fits with the Bancredit Group's guidelines and criteria, please forward your proposal with all relevant contact details to:
Please note: We will advise you in writing within six weeks of receipt of your proposal on the status of your application. We may contact you earlier should we require additional
information. Successful applicants are required to enter into a formal contract.
Organisations/activities which will not be considered for sponsorship by Bancredit Group include those that:
- Could be detrimental to public health or safety.
- Are political or religious organisations.
- Promote or encourage smoking, alcohol or any substance abuse.
- Take place outside BanCredit Group operating area.
- Are publications, videos, films, recordings or website developments.
- May be construed as discriminatory.
- Are associated with gambling or betting.